Your own exquisite silk creation,
All You!
I’ll teach you how!


We'll create beautiful
silk pieces together!

The Steps to Creating your own scarf

Copy a pre-drawn design or freehand design on pure white stretched silk

Now, retrace the same lines with "Resist" (a dye barrier that keeps dye where you want it)

Let "Resist" dry and now you are ready to paint your background and subject with fabulous colors

Personal attention to help you create your own unique and magnificent piece of wearable art!

  About Jean Levi  


I saw the magnificent magenta, oranges, and pinks in a Washington sunset when I was 8 and yearned to put those colors on paper. Soon watercolors became my passion and THEN!!! I found silk! Oh, the iridescence, the depth of colors, how it glistened in the sunlight. I was enthralled and I am forever searching how to find all the ways I can use this wonderful medium. I want to share this with people who are also excited about silk. That is why making individual, personal, and unique wearable magnificent colors that sparkle your soul has become my mission. I love how this material makes a woman feel like the lovely creation she is.

Silk is my passion!

Painted with Dye-Na-Flow by Nancy Cunningham
About Silk Art

My dad was a commercial artist and he always told me “If you want excellent results then use excellent tools”. I agree with him. I still have my Windsor Newton watercolor brush and that has been 50 yrs and still works fine.
    I believe carries the best tools and materials available. They work to get you the dyes, silks, and all that is needed to make beautiful scarves. And their customer service is wonderful.

     And sometimes they even provide directions on how to create the project. The Dragon scarf is available with directions, materials and dyes. It can be found on their site.
W  H  A  T    I  S    D  I  F  F  E  R  E  N  T

Describe the Difference

If you would like to enhance your work there are other techniques, such as used on the Pink Lily that do not use “Resist”, Instead of applying the Resist, after drawing your subject, the silk is sprayed with MAGIC SIZING *FABRIC FINISH* by Faultless and dried and leaves a barrier on the surface.  This needs lots of practice to be able to push the dye to the point you want but not so much that it overflows the boundaries you set. It has a beautiful effect and when applied gives you the smooth, continuous look of a watercolor painting wash.

      Also, another technique is practicing sprinkling salt on the wet dye painted surface. This too needs practice, if the salt is applied too soon, too much dye is lifted and causes a large area lifted.  If a “star effect” is desired, salt is good for this and can have gorgeous effects, such as on dandelion puff with seeds floating on the wind.  Practice and see what can work for you!

Contact Jean and share your ideas to put them on Silk!